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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VASTRAATMA beauty hygiene 24
VC beauty wears 25
VEDIK beauty +flower 3
VEE beauty institute & salo 16
VENERE beauty world 35, 42
VIRGO beauty care +stars 42
beauty 30
VOGUE beauty saloon 16
WANG'S ROSE beauty salon 44
WHITE beauty 3
WIPRO beauty talc 3
X SPELL beauty salon academ 44
XPRESSIONS beauty & health 44
YASHI beauty parlour +woman 16
ZING beauty salon & spa 44
attraction beauty point 3
ayurved beauty care +circle 5
body line slimming & beauty 42
beauty 3
ever fresh beauty face 3
fair & beauty +woman 3
health & beauty CAFE 5
indian hair dressing beauty 35
integrated healing & beauty 5
kashmir beauty kalighat 25
love & beauty 3
maha beauty parlour +face 42
natural beauty +tiger deer 24
natural beauty MAFFIK +leaf 3
new BLOSSOM beauty corner 3
new BLOSSOMS beauty corner 16
new LIV beauty soap +woman 3
paris-beauty 24
pearl the beauty +triangle 3
right choice beauty clinic 41
shri beauty KING +woman 35
shri beauty KING jewellery 14
ROOTS +beaver & plants 18
cartoon of beaver 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
EB beawar +oval 19
bec BHARTI 17
because hands are for ZAPAK 9, 16, 25, 28
YOUTOPIA because it's good 9
beckons +plant & oval 30
bed 16
ATTIRANTE +bed circle squar 24
ATTIRANTE +bed oval & squar 35
CONTOUR bed +spiral 20
D C bed & breakfast +circle 29
DC bed & breakfast +circle 42
ELEGANCE bed bath & table 24
ELEGANZ bed bath & table 24
GRACE bed in a bag 24
JOHN'S baby bed 22
JYOTI bed & bath shop 24
K KARSTEN bed & bath 35
MARBLE bed 19
MARINE bed drapes 24
MORTAR bed 1
PEARL BEDDING +bed & arcs 35
RAJA steel bed clamps 6
RAVI'S bed covers +lion 24
RELAX bed linen 24
SAJAVAT bed & bath shop 24
SONALI bed spread 24
SPA +bed & circle 24
SUVASA bed 'n' bath +oval 26, 27
SUVASA bed n bath +oval 22, 23, 26, 27
SUVASA bed n' bath +oval 17
bed 20
WALL bed 20
WUDPACK +bird bed & plants 19
bicchona bed 'n' bath +oval 24
boy & bed 44
c CIELO +bed 20
paramount bed 10, 20
s SUPERIMO +bed 20
solid +bed 24
bedda GOLD +squares 30
CELCIUS luxury bedding +ova 17, 20, 22, 24
pradip bedi 34
my bedroom INTIMATE SLEEPIN 35
hotel beds +stripes 42
bedsheet zone 24
BEAUTYCALE double bedsheet 24
DEN BEDTIME bedsheets & mor 25
DEN BEDTIME bedsheets +cat 24
DEN BEDTIME bedsheets +lion 18
K.K.B bedspreads 24
bee 9, 16, 36
bee & bag 45
bee BENTEC 11
bee bee cee +kangaroo & ova 25
bee cee FORGE +circle squar 7, 12
AIRBORNE honey +bee 30
ARKIM +bee 19
B BEE & FLOWER +bee & circl 3
B'WISE +bee 16
B-HIVE +bee 9, 16, 18, 25, 28, 35, 41, 42
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